Our Story

Rest. Connect. Explore.

For us Claywood is all about creating lasting memories by sharing experiences and adventures in nature.

We love time together as a family in nature, it's our time to connect, switch off and have fun together. In 2021, like many people, we had the opportunity to re-evaluate what was important to us and decided to buy a woodland back in Shropshire where we both grew up. We’ve never quite been able to match the rural beauty Shropshire offers.

We wanted to build a life for our family that would allow us to make memories and bring that connection with the outside world into our everyday lives. At Claywood Shropshire we have created a beautiful space to connect people with nature and we feel so privileged to be able to offer the opportunity to others to have that much needed time and space to just be together, in such a stunning setting.


We’ve tried to do everything we can to reduce our impact on the environment, from the outset sustainability was an important consideration for us.

We’ve used recycled materials wherever possible, even choosing shipping containers as the base for the accommodation.

Where possible we’ve used Ash from our own woodland, milled onsite, the most local material possible!

We’ve topped the containers with solar panels to provide a renewable source of energy.

Immersed in nature

We wanted to create a space that was nestled into the landscape and really brought the outdoors in. With stunning views across rolling countryside to the Clee hills captured from the kitchen and master bedroom. The living room and second bedroom draw you into the woods with the vivid depth of the trees and fantastic opportunities for nature spotting.

Time for you

The pace of modern day living can be so hectic we miss that time to just be. We can be so busy being productive we lose the time to truly connect with family, friends, nature and ourselves.

At Claywood we want to offer people the chance to escape all of that, and feel themselves again.