Terms and Conditions

Thank you for choosing to stay with us at Claywood Shropshire. Please read carefully through the following terms and conditions which apply to any stay booked with us.


Claywood Shropshire handles bookings from persons over 21 years of age. We reserve the right, without giving reasons, to refuse a booking. 

When you submit your booking through the online reservation system you will receive an automated booking summary e-mail, to the e-mail address provided. Please check the email for any errors and notify us within 7 days of any issues. The automated email does not form a contract between you and Claywood Shropshire. All bookings are provisional until you receive a confirmation email from us

Your Booking will only be confirmed and our Contract will only come into force once we have received payment in cleared funds of a deposit of 50% of the full cost of your booking. The Deposit must be paid within two (2) days of the Booking being placed.

If for any reason the balance is not paid by the due date and you are unable to promptly rearrange payment (or we cannot get hold of you to arrange for payment to be made) we will be entitled to treat that as your intention to cancel the Booking. 

If your Booking is made less than 42 days prior to the booking start date then your Booking will only be confirmed and our Contract will only come into force once we have received payment in full for the Booking in cleared funds.


The accommodation is designed for four guests, there is also room for a travel cot for infants under 18 months at no extra cost.

Check-in is from 3.30pm on the day of your arrival and check-out time is 10.30am. If you can, let us know roughly when you’ll arrive. We reserve the right to make a surcharge for a late departure, as this adversely affects the quality of provision we are able to offer the next incoming guest.

Any persons other than members of your party must not use our accommodation or facilities.

Late arrivals, please let us know if you are going to be arriving later than 9pm.


We only accept dogs, well-behaved dogs can be accommodated by prior arrangement. There is a secure area for your dogs to enjoy within the immediate vicinity of the accommodation. When in the wider woodland, please keep all dogs under control and away from any livestock/wildlife. We will provide you with a dog bowl and bed throughout your stay. 

Please pick up after your dog.

Dogs must be house-trained, kept under proper control and not allowed on the furniture, and especially the beds, nor left unattended in the property. Owners are liable for any damage your dog causes to the cabin or the surrounding woodland and livestock. Please contact us if this occurs.

Claywood Shropshire cannot be held responsible for any accident or injury to a pet during their stay.

There is an additional fee of £25 per dog for the extra cleaning, which will be taken at the time of booking.


Bookings made online can be paid by Visa or Mastercard. 

A 50% deposit is required for bookings over 42 days away, and the balance due 42 days before arrival. For bookings less than 42 days away, the payment will need to be made in full at the time of booking.

If the balance is not paid by the due date, Claywood Shropshire reserves the right to re-let your accommodation and retain the full deposit.


We understand that sometimes things don't go quite to plan, if you do need to cancel your stay below are our cancellation terms: 

  • Stays cancelled more than 42 days prior to your stay you will receive a full credit note or refund for the amount you have paid.

  • Stays cancelled within 42 days of arrival are non-refudable.

  • All cancellations must be made in writing to hello@claywoodshropshire.co.uk

  • We reserve the right to refuse any booking or cancel any bookings subject to refunding any sums you have paid without further liability on our behalf.

We cannot accept responsibility or pay any compensation where the provision of the holiday is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances that amount to “force majeure”. These include any event which we could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such circumstances include the destruction or damage of the property through fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity, epidemic, pandemic and all similar situations beyond our control.

We strongly advise guests to take out holiday cancellation insurance in advance of their trip.

Date Changes

Where possible, we will try to help you change the date of your booking if you can no longer make it, however this is entirely at our discretion and if we cannot make a change, then the standard cancellation policy will apply. All date changes must be requested more than 4 weeks in advance of the original booking, otherwise the standard cancellation policy will apply.

Terms of Hire

The Contract to stay in the property for the holiday period, does not create the relationship of Landlord and Tenant between the parties.

This Contract relates to a “holiday let” the purpose of which is to confer on you as a holidaymaker the right to occupy our property for a holiday only.  You shall not be entitled to any private residential tenancy or other tenancy, assured short hold or assured tenancy, lease, licence or other right to occupy, nor shall you obtain any security of tenure under any applicable law now or at the end of the Holiday Period.  You may not sub-let the property.

Damages, Breakages and Cleaning

For damages or breakages: Guests are advised to check the accommodation unit/s for any damages or breakages found at the beginning of their stay and to inform us of any that they find. 

Please let us know if anything gets broken so we can replace it for our next guest. We will only charge for replacements in exceptional circumstances, as we expect a degree of wear and tear. 

A security deposit of £250 will be held on your payment card, and released following your stay subject to the accommodation being left in satisfactory condition.

The cost of replacing keys lost by guests is charged at £25 each. 

The guest is responsible for leaving the accommodation in good order, clean and tidy and in the same condition as they found the accommodation on arrival. When vacating, guests must remove all food items and personal belongings and follow Claywood Shropshire’s instructions about where to place rubbish etc. and return any moved inventory items to each accommodation unit or they may be liable for extra cleaning costs. If the accommodation unit is not left in an acceptable condition and Claywood Shropshire has to carry out extra cleaning above and beyond what they would normally expect, charges against your security deposit may have to be made.

It is the guest's responsibility to close windows and lock the cabins when they are not on site. 

Claywood Shropshire cannot be held responsible for the guest's personal property which is not locked away inside the cabin. Guests bringing their own bicycles can store bikes in a shed, please bring locks with you. Claywood Shropshire cannot be held responsible for damage or theft to bicycles left on the property. Bicycles are not permitted inside the main accommodation. 

Site Regulations

In order to make the stay at Claywood as pleasant as possible, all guests must keep to rules of behaviour listed here, behaving in a considerate and safe manner to all people and animals onsite. You must not use the accommodation for any dangerous, offensive, noxious, noisy, illegal or immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to the owner or other neighbouring properties.

We ask that there are no high noise levels after 9.00 p.m, with all noise to stop by 11.00 p.m. We do not allow amplified music or drumming.

The fire pits/ BBQs fire bowls must be kept within the designated areas and at a minimum of 1 metre from your accommodation. Fireworks and sky lanterns are not allowed as they pose a risk of fire and are a danger to livestock.

We hope you love the natural environment as much as we do! We ask that you consider the Countryside Code including the following:

  • Leave gates as you find them, closing a gate if found closed.

  • Outside of the Claywood site, keep to public footpaths. Within our woodland you are free to roam.

  • Do not walk across crops (this includes long grass).

  • Leave no trace on the land. We provide a variety of bins in your accommodation, so please dispose of waste appropriately

If the Site Regulations are breached, in serious circumstances, we may ask you to terminate your stay without a refund. 

Please note that essential maintenance activities may be carried out on or in the accommodation during your stay without you being entitled to any compensation.


Claywood Shropshire is a small natural woodland that retains much of its natural character. There is a higher degree of risk in this type of environment and you are advised to take appropriate and reasonable care and safety. Suitable clothing and footwear for all weathers and terrain are advised and you are always responsible for your own safety.

No Smoking Policy

Our accommodation is NO SMOKING. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the accommodation. Failure to comply will result in an additional fee of £400 to cover deep cleaning and re-decoration. Any guests smoking outside of the accommodation are responsible for disposing of their cigarette buts in a bin and must not litter the surrounding area. 


Every effort has been made to ensure that you have an enjoyable stay. However, we do recognise that from time to time things do go wrong. If you have any problem or cause for complaint, it is essential that you contact us immediately to give us the chance to resolve it. Unless this procedure is followed, no subsequent claim will be entertained. We value your custom and want you to return (and to recommend us to your friends!).  We live nearby, and will do our best to resolve any problem.


Whilst every care is taken to provide a true and accurate description of the property on our website, in marketing and in email communications, over time alterations are made and some things do change. The guest accepts that no refunds are available for such discrepancies.

The property owner reserves the right to enter the property, at a reasonable time, in the event of an emergency or remedial repair work being required.

The property owner is entitled to ask the holidaymaker to leave the property without any refund if, in the property owner’s opinion, the behaviour of the holidaymaker and/or his/her party is unacceptable.

Your vehicles and their accessories and contents, and any property and valuables you bring with you are left entirely at your own risk.

Personal Details

In order to process the booking, Claywood Shropshire will need certain information from the guest about the party. It may be used for administration purposes solely by Claywood Shropshire and for sending the guest future promotional or marketing literature. Any information will remain confidential and is protected under the Data Protection Act 2018. 


We, our employees, contractors, cleaners and other representatives shall not be liable to you or your party for loss or damage to property howsoever arising. You must take all necessary steps to safeguard yourselves and your property.  Nothing in this clause shall exclude or limit any liability that we are unable to limit or exclude by applicable law, such as liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.


The contract between the guest and Claywood Shropshire is governed by English Law. Any dispute the guest has with Claywood Shropshire shall be dealt with in an English Court of Law. 


I have read the booking conditions and agree on behalf of all members of my party to abide by those conditions. I understand that any balance payments must be paid at least 42 days before the holiday is due to start. I am over 21 years of age.